Tuesday, March 17, 2020
How to Talk About the Parts of the Body in Italian
How to Talk About the Parts of the Body in Italian While chatting about body parts isn’t something that’s often a part of small talk, the necessity of knowing body part of Italian vocabulary pops at the most unexpected times. Besides the typical doctor situation, it comes up in many Italian proverbs, when describing physical characteristics of a person, and in famous children’s songs. Head, Shoulders, Knees Toes Below you’ll find an extensive list of body parts in the singular form along with examples to demonstrate the various ways to use your newfound vocabulary in real life. ankle la caviglia arm il braccio armpit lascella artery larteria body il corpo bone losso brain il cervello calf il polpaccio chest il torace collarbone la clavicola elbow il gomito finger il dito foot il piede hand la mano heart il cuore heel il calcagno hip lanca index finger lindice knee il ginocchio larynx la laringe leg la gamba middle finger il medio muscle il muscolo nail lunghia nerve il nervo pinkie il mignolo rib la costola ring finger lanulare shoulder la spalla skin la pelle spine la spina dorsale stomach lo stomaco thumb il pollice vein la vena wrist il polso When you change some of the body parts from the singular into the plural form, they might seem strange at first because they don’t follow the regular rules of the ending of a feminine, plural word ending in the letter -e or a masculine, plural word ending in the letter -i. Per esempio L’orecchio (ear) becomes le orecchie (ears)Il braccio (arm) becomes le braccia (arms)Il dito (finger) becomes le dita (fingers)Il ginocchio (knee) becomes le ginocchia (knees) Esempi Mi fa male lo stomaco. - My stomach hurts.Ho mal di testa. - I have a headache.Ho la testa altrove. - My head is somewhere else; I’m not focused.Siamo nelle tue mani. - We’re in your hands; We’re trusting you.L’hai visto? Ha gli addominali a tartaruga! - Did you see him? He has six-pack abs!Devo farmi le unghie. - I need to do my nails; I need to get a manicure.Sei cosà ¬ rosso in viso! - You’re so red in the face!; You’re blushing.Ho un ginocchio messo male. - I have a bad knee. Finally, here are a few proverbs with body parts: Alzarsi con il piede sbagliato – To get up with the wrong foot; idiomatic meaning: to get up on the wrong side of the bed Stamattina, mi sono svegliato/a con il piede sbagliato e finora ho avuto una giornataccia! - This morning I got up with the wrong foot and since then I’ve had such a bad day! Non avere peli sulla lingua – To have no hairs on the tongue; idiomatic meaning: to speak frankly Lui sempre dice cose sprezzanti, non ha davvero peli sulla lingua! - He always says rude things, he truly doesn’t have any hair on the tongue! Essere una persona in gamba/essere in gamba – To be a person in leg; idiomatic meaning: to be a really great, upstanding person Lei mi ha sempre aiutato, à ¨ veramente una persona in gamba. – She’s always helped me, she’s really a good person.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Solving Common Typing Problems
Solving Common Typing Problems Theres nothing like typing away on a paper, only to find that youre not actually typing what you thought you were typing! There are several problems you can encounter with a keyboard that can drive you nuts, especially if youre on a deadline. Dont panic! The solution is probably painless. Some Letters Wont Type Sometimes a tiny piece of debris can get stuck under a few of your keys. If you find that a certain letter won’t type, you may be able to fix the problem by using a compressed air duster and gently blowing off your keys. Buttons Are Sticking Keyboards get very dirty sometimes, especially if you have a tendency to snack and type. You can clean a keyboard yourself (laptop or desktop), but it may be safer to have it cleaned by a professional. Numbers Wont Type There is a numbers lock button near your keypad that turns the pad on and off. If your numbers won’t type, you’ve probably pressed this button by mistake. Letters Are Typing Numbers It can be scary to type words and see nothing but numbers appearing! This is probably an easy fix, but the solution is different for every type of laptop. The problem is you have numlock turned on, so you need to turn it off. This is sometimes done by pressing the FN key and the NUMLOCK key at the same time. Typing Over Letters If you are editing a document and are surprised to find that you are suddenly typing over words instead of inserting between words, you have accidentally pressed the Insert button. Just press it again. That key is an either/or function, so depressing it once causes it to insert text, and pressing it again causes it to replace text. Cursor Is Jumping This is one of the most frustrating problems of all, and it seems to be related to using a laptop with Vista or Windows XP. One possible solution is adjusting your touchpad settings. Secondly, you could disable tapping during input. To find this option with XP, go to: Control panelMouseAdvancedAdvanced feature settingsTapping and feature settingsTapping settingsDisable tapping If this doesn’t work, you can try installing Touchfreeze, a utility developed to disable your touchpad while you are typing text. Text Disappears Mysteriously If you accidentally highlight a block of text and type any letter, you replace all the selected when you type. This can happen in an instant, often without even noticing it. If you find that a lot of your text has disappeared, try hitting the undo function several times to see if your text reappears. If not, you can always hit redo to get back to where you started. Keyboard Keys Arent Functioning This isnt a common issue, but when it happens, either some or all keys stop working or certain features of the keyboard such as backlighting may stop working. This can result from a low battery, so try plugging the computer in. It can also result in form liquid in the keyboard, causing the keys to short out. Use compressed air between the keys and let the keyboard sit to dry for a while. Try using it again after it has dried completely.
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